{"id":90,"date":"2013-09-12T12:15:18","date_gmt":"2013-09-12T07:15:18","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/transparencymaldives.org\/transparency\/v16\/?p=90"},"modified":"2016-05-15T16:16:25","modified_gmt":"2016-05-15T11:16:25","slug":"meeting-11-national-advisory-com","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/transparency.mv\/meeting-11-national-advisory-com\/","title":{"rendered":"Meeting 11, National Advisory Com"},"content":{"rendered":"

12 September 2013<\/h3>\n

At the eleventh meeting of the National Advisory Committee for Elections (NAC) held at the Elections Commission’s (EC) headquarters on 12 September 2013, Transparency Maldives (TM) sought clarifications, made comments and observations and provided advise. A summary of the details follow.<\/p>\n


The meeting was convened at the request of Jumhooree Party.<\/p>\n


1. Jumhooree Party made three requests: 1. Recount of all 470 ballot boxes; 2. Provide JP the voter registry with ID card information; and 3. Copies of lists of all citizens who voted at each of the 470 polling stations.<\/p>\n


1.1 Recount of all 470 ballot boxes<\/p>\n


The EC informed the committee that counting all 470 ballot boxes is a huge challenge provided the limited time frame; and that the legal framework does not allow for opening of envelopes containing ballot papers for recounting without a basis.<\/p>\n


The EC however stressed that the all members of the commission are willing to conduct a recount of any ballot box where credible evidence of fraud is presented to the commission.<\/p>\n


All of the representatives of the candidates present at the meeting, except for MDP representative advised the EC to recount all 470 ballot boxes.<\/p>\n


1.2. Provide JP with the voter registry, including the ID card information<\/p>\n


The EC informed the committee that the EC is unable to do so as the ID card information is private information of citizens.<\/p>\n


1.3 Copies of lists of all citizens who voted at each of the 470 polling stations<\/p>\n


The EC informed the committee that the EC will provide the copies of lists of all citizens who voted at the 470 polling stations only at an order of the court as the legal framework prohibits the EC from handing over the information.<\/p>\n

Other points of note<\/h5>\n