2023 Presidential Election Observation Report

Transparency Maldives conducted Long-Term Observations of the electoral period and election day activities, deploying trained observers equipped with standardized checklists. A record 8 candidates competed, with over 282,000 eligible voters, including 21,000 first-time voters. Dr. Mohamed Muizzu won the election runoff with 54% of the vote.

The Election Commission demonstrated technical capability in ensuring transparent and credible elections, though concerns about impartiality were raised. While the legal framework allows for free and fair elections, improvements are needed in campaign finance transparency and dispute resolution. Allegations of vote buying and misuse of state resources went uninvestigated.

Media freedom exists, but mainstream media’s reliance on state-owned enterprises limits accountability. Voter education efforts were limited, yet election day processes were transparent and peaceful, with political party representatives serving as observers in many polling places, enhancing transparency.