TM appeals to maintain the prevailing environment of peace
Transparency Maldives long term election observation reports that campaigning for the upcoming presidential elections in the Maldives has been generally free and peaceful, and calls on stakeholders to maintain the climate of peace.
Nevertheless sporadic cases of violence, disruptions, vote buying, and misuse of public resources have been reported.
Transparency Maldives is the only independent organization conducting an extensive and systematic monitoring of the polls.
Transparency Maldives has deployed over 400 fully trained election observers and volunteers across all 20 atolls.
The observation is based on random sampling which will enable Transparency Maldives to comment on the quality of the elections for the entire country. This internationally recognized methodology has been employed in many countries.
The objective of Transparency Maldives observation is to build confidence in the electoral processes and promote transparency. This systematic observation will help identify avenues to improve and strengthen electoral systems in the Maldives.
Transparency Maldives will hold two press conferences on election day. The first conference will be held at 1pm to comment on the quality of the opening of polls.
The second press conference will be held at 8pm to comment on overall election day processes including counting and closing of polls.
Both press conferences on election day will be held at Traders Hotel.
For media queries, please call Advocacy and Communications Manager, Mr. Aiman Rasheed (00 960 7908967).
Please see this link for the statement in Dhivehi: DHI_PressStatementTemplate_01 Pre election
Please see this link for the statement in English: ENG_PressStatementTemplate_01 Pre election