Transparency in Political Financing in Maldives – CRINIS Research Project

The Crinis research uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods to assess various

dimensions of political financing transparency and accountability, and is to be used as a

benchmarking and advocacy tool for reforming the legal framework and practices associated with

political financing. Specifically, ten, interdependent dimensions-such as the scope, disclosure,

and depth of financial reporting-were assessed in this research as indicators of transparent

political financing procedures.

The report also provides recommendations for improving the current legal framework on

political financing. These include amending laws to mandate parties and candidates to submit

official identification of donors and vendors and to mandate political parties to disclose annual

audited accounting reports to the general public. It is also recommended that Non-State actors

such as Civil Society Organizations partake in monitoring and overseeing political financing

practices and to conduct awareness and advocacy programs on transparency and accountability

in political financing.

Transparency in Political Financing in Maldives – CRINIS Research Project
