TM trains 400+ observers and volunteers ahead of elections

Transparency Maldives is training over 400 observers and volunteers in Male’ and all the 20 atolls in preparation of election day, as part of the domestic elections observation program.


Observers from HA HDh and Sh atolls


Observers from HA, HDh and Sh atolls


Transparency Maldives conducted trainings in HA, HDh, Sh, R, L, GA, GDh, and S atolls last week and three teams from Transparency Maldives are currently conducting trainings in N, B, Lh, AA, ADh, M, F, Dh and Th atolls. Additionally, observation training for about 130 observers and volunteers for Male’ are being conducted this weekend.


The observation training includes sessions on poll opening process, polling day proceedings, closing and counting processes, assisted voting and conduct of the police.


“We are overwhelmed by the positive support from the public for our observation program. We have principals, independent elected local government officials, teachers, nurses, civil servants and especially the youth as observers. We can’t thank our observers enough for all the time, energy, support and inspiration they have provided,” said Aiman Rasheed, Transparency Maldives’ Advocacy and Communications Manager.


26 long term observers were deployed on 15 July 2013 across the atolls with a focus on observing the preparedness of the Elections Commission, the campaign process voter education programs in the islands and abuse of state resources.


Second batch of observer trainings for Mal region observers


Second batch of observer for Male’ region


Download the press statement in Divehi